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Книга The Forsyte saga. Volume I (Folio World's Classics) арт. 522377
Издательство: Фолио
Код товара: 522377

О книге «The Forsyte saga. Volume I (Folio World's Classics)»
The Forsyte Saga brought the English writer John Galsworthy (1867–1933) the Nobel Prize in Literature (1932). The Forsytes are the ten children of Dossett Forsyte, typical bourgeois of the Victorian era. Dossett made a considerable fortune building houses in London, and left his descendants handsome sums. Siblings with numerous offspring gathered at the mansion of the eldest brother, Jolyon, to celebrate the engagement of his granddaughter June to the architect Philip Bosinney. The young man has no fortune and shocks the decent bourgeois with his indifferent attitude to material values. The first volume includes the novels The Man of Property, In Chancery.
Рівень складності - Advanced
Рівень складності - Advanced